Recipe for Chapati or Roti or Pulka


Once you taste these unleavened, unsalted simple breads - a person is hooked. This is simple, unpretentious home cooking but very satisfying, healthy and easy on the pocket book. There are also excellent for those with a yeast allergy. Rotis are made from small balls of dough that are rolled out and then partially cooked on a hot griddle and then finished directly over high heat. The high heat makes the rotis puff up into a ball. They are then lightly coated with ghee to keep them pliable until serving time. Line a tortilla basket with a napkin and keep the rotis in it. Allow 2-3 chapatis or rotis per person. This is everyday Indian bread made in most Indian homes daily.

Ingredients to make about 6:
2.5 cups chappati flour with 1 cup water at room temperature made into a dough
1 cup chappati flour in a large plate for dusting the dough while rolling it out
ghee for brushing the bread

Method to roll out the dough:
Prepare the desired amount of dough from the Basic Dough recipe. After resting for 2-2 1/2 hours, knead well. Divide the dough into peach-size balls. On a lightly floured surface, flatten one ball of dough with your hand. Using a rolling-pin, roll out the dough into a thin,round patty, about 5 inches in diameter. Roll from the center, turning patty several times to prevent sticking. Try to make the edges slightly thinner than the center. As you cook the chappati/roti, one could be rolling out the next, rather than shaping all of the chapatis at one time.

Method of cooking the chappati or roti:
Preheat a cast-iron tawa over medium heat. Place the rolled dough on the palm of one hand and flip it over on to the tawa. When the color changes on the top and bubbles appear, turn it over. When both sides are done, use kitchen tongs (chimta) to remove the chapati from the skillet.

Gas Stove: If you have a gas stove, hold the cooked chapati over a medium flame and it will puff up immediately. Turn quickly to flame-bake the other side. Do this several times, taking care that the edges are well cooked.

Electric Stove: If you have an electric stove, chapatis can be encouraged to puff by pressing them with a clean kitchen towel after the first turn on each side. Repeat the shaping and cooking process until all chapatis are cooked.

To keep the chapatis warm as they are cooked, place them in a towel-lined bowl and fold over the sides of the towel. Serve hot, either completely dry or topped with a small amount of ghee or butter.
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1. Once, all villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer all the People gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella...


2. When you throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will catch her...


3.Every night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next Morning but still we set the alarms in our watch to wake up...


4. We plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future or having any certainty of uncertainties. ..

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Validation is overrated

If you're waiting for a boss or an editor or a college to tell you that you do good work, you're handing over too much power to someone who doesn't care nearly as much as you do.

We spend a lot of time organizing and then waiting for the system to pick us, approve of us and give us permission to do our work.

Feedback is important, selling is important, getting the market to recognize your offering and make a sale--all important.

But there's a difference between achieving your goals and realizing your work matters.

If you have a book to write, write it. If you want to record an album, record it. No need to wait for someone in a cubicle halfway across the country to decide if you're worthy.

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Awesome digital bokeh effect in Photoshop
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Top 5 Tips To Improve Your Personality

Personality goes beyond external appearance. It includes dispositions, traits, qualities, speech, and other things innate in the person.

Here are some tips in improving personality:
1.  Be interested in people.
Try to discover what other people want. Know their likes, dislikes, interests, and beliefs. By doing this, you will be regarded as a person with an attractive and pleasing personality.
2. Assume that people like you.
If you show the other person that you want people to talk to you, they will react to you with warmth.
3. Admit your weaknesses.
Do not regard yourself as a perfect person. Just as persons have strengths, they also have their weaknesses. To improve your personality, you should admit that you also have defects.
4. Admire your friends.
Praise them for their achievements. Tell them how attractive they look. Make them feel how important they are to you.  By this, they will also give importance.
5.  Associate with people who are successful and happy.
Seek the companionship of others who can give you new points of views, renewed hopes, and meaningful life.  Ask for their advice and guidance. They can give you valuable insights about their experiences in life. You can learn from their insights and apply their insights to improving your personality.
Aside from this, you can also develop your skills in other areas such as public speaking and understanding other people's attitudes and beliefs.
Improving your personality takes a lot of work and dedication.  While it may take a lot of work, it can be worthwhile and fun because you are focusing your attention on improving relationships with others and yourself.
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WordPress' popularity has grown exponentially as of late. This rise in popularity is due in part to WordPress' custom fields. Custom fields allow you to add little bits of data to posts. They have changed the way people look at WordPress. A couple of years ago, WordPress was a blogging platform — a good one, but a blogging platform nonetheless. Now it's widely considered to be an excellent simple content management system. How did it evolve so quickly? Custom fields, that's how.

How exactly did these bits of data transform WordPress? The fields could initially include the weather — as the codex points out — the temperature and various other not-particularly-useful things. And that was the story for a while. Then people started to realize that they could use the custom fields to store URLs of images. They could then pull these images to the home page to create magazine-style layouts. These magazine themes, as they became known, evolved, and eventually you were able to pull images automatically from posts. You can draw a direct line from WordPress' popularity to the magazine themes to custom fields.


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short form of Jquery declaration

$ ( function(){   
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Stop a nuclear disaster

Hi tkarthikeyan.weblow,

Our government is churning out one hazardous bill after another. This time it is a bill called the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage, and it's coming up for a vote in a couple of days.

The bill lets U.S. corporations off the hook for any nuclear accidents they cause on Indian soil. They'd only have to pay a meagre amount, and Indian taxpayers would be stuck paying crores for the nuclear clean up and to compensate the victims.

Without any public debate, the Prime Minister is appeasing American interests and ignoring our safety.

Greenpeace is launching a petition asking the PM to hold a public consultation before introducing the bill.

I have already signed this petition. Can you join me?


You are receiving this email because someone you know sent it to you from the Greenpeace site. Greenpeace retains no information about individuals contacted through its site, and will not send you further messages without your consent -- although your friends could, of course, send you another message.

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Tutorials for Mastering Photoshop Brushes

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Photoshop :secrets shortcuts or tricks

Every graphic designer works with secrets shortcuts or tricks that should never be told, like a magician ;)

But…as always, i have no secrets with you so here you have 20 tricks save-time.
Have fun and if you want…share in the comments other tips!

1) If you hold down ALT+CTRL+SHIFT (Mac: CMD+OPT+SHIFT) while starting Photoshop you can reset all the Photoshop settings back to factory default. Very usefull if you have problems with some tools or the interface.

2) One of my favorites. ALT+Click on the "eye" icon in the layer's palette to hide all other layers.

3) Do you have trouble to find the cursor when you work with large canvases?
Simply press the spacebar and you'll see the hand icon where the cursor is located.

4) When you are applying a “drop shadow†layer effect, try to leave open the dialog box.
You'll be able to move the shadow with a simple drag and drop.

5) With a CTRL+Click on the triangle icon you can collapse or expand all layer groups

6) Another cool shortcut. Press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+E
(Mac: CMD+OPT+SHIFT+E) to paste all the visible layers in a new one.

7) When you are in a dialog box, try to hold ALT(Mac: OPT) to transform the "cancel" button into a “reset†button. It doesnt work everywhere.

8) If you want to transform a path into a selection you have to pressCTRL+ENTER (Mac: CMD-ENTER).

9) CTRL+ALT+Z (Mac: CTRL+OPT+ Z) to undo more than once.

10) Double Click on the stage (the gray area) to open a file or CTRL+Double Click to create a new file.

11) If you hold SHIFT while you click "File -> close", Photoshop will close all the open windows at the same time.

12) ALT+CLICK (Mac: OPT+Click) a tool to switch through the related tools. For example, try ALT+Click (Mac: OPT+Click) on the Paint bucket tool, you will obtain the gradient tool.

13) CTRL+Click on the new layer incon to create a new layer immediately below the current layer.

14) Whit SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+T (Mac: SHIFT+CMD+OPT+T) you can repeat and clone the last transformation (made with CTRL+T).

15) To find the center of a document select the background layer and clickCTRL+T (Mac: CMD+T) to see a crosshair in the middle. Now you can simply drag out a guide in this point to find the center.

16) When you have a selection hold CTRL and use the arrows to move it, one pixel at a time.
Use CTRL+SHIFT to move the selection by 10×10 pixels. WithCTRL+SHIFT+D (Mac: CMD+SHIFT+T) you can load the last selection used.

17) Choose CTRL+0 to "zoom to fit", CTRL+ALT+0 to "zoom to 100%".
If you prefer you can zoom back to 100% pressing the space bar and then right click -> actual pixels.

18) With the type tool active press CTRL+T (mAC: CMD+T) to show and hide the respective palette.
Press CTRL+H (Mac: CMD+H) while a text is selected to show and hide the selection.

19) If you are working with the paint bucket tool, hold down ALT(OPT) to switch temporarily to the eyedropper tool.

20) To draw a straight line with the brush tool click where you want, hold down shift and then click again where you want.
Instead, to draw a dotted line you have to open the brush palette (hit F5) and from the “Brush Tip Shape†tab you have to set the "spacing" to 150%.
After that you can repeat the previous step like a normal straight line.

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How a Simple Layout Can Be Mixed ‘n’ Matched with Patterns, Photos and Backgrounds


It's pretty amazing how much colour and background can change the look and feel of a website. In this tutorial we're going to put together a quick, simple but effective layout and then create variations using backgrounds, photos and patterns. 

We'll also look at how to make seamless tiled backgrounds out of a photo, methods for ending a single photo and simple ways to create pixel patterns. In short it's a jam packed tutorial!

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Re: : Karthik: designer : Mockup for Attorney website

Hi Karthik/Vinod,

Revised version of Attorney website

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