Microsoft's new .Net logo ?

The original logo was 8 years old so it was time for something new anyway.According to MSDN,"Finally, we needed a logo that is more strongly aligned with the portfolio of brands that .NET is most strongly aligned with: Silverlight, Visual Studio and our server products. It's one of many things we're actively doing to renew our commitment to the future around the overall Rich Platforms we have today.Hope all have fun at PDC2008 and you'll see glimpses of what I mean there." 

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Java Error : My software is not getting installed requires java

Once when we install some softwares on the system , it will raise an issue called as "main.class required or java is required to run the software".
Please do not install jdk1.4 etc and make the process complicated.
Go to Sun Microsystems and download jre (java runtime environment) and install on the system.
 Your problem would be solved.
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A Project Guide to UX Design: eBook

A Project Guide to UX Design:
For user experience designers in the field or in the making

11idc7n.jpgUser experience design is the discipline of creating a useful and usable Web site or application—one that's easily navigated and meets the needs of both the site owner and its users. But there's a lot more to successful UX design than knowing the latest Web technologies or design trends: It takes diplomacy, project management skills, and business savvy. That's where this book comes in. Authors Russ Unger and Carolyn Chandler show you how to integrate UX principles into your project from start to finish.

• Understand the various roles in UX design, identify stakeholders, and enlist their support
• Obtain consensus from your team on project objectives
• Define the scope of your project and avoid mission creep
• Conduct user research and document your findings
• Understand and communicate user behavior with personas
• Design and prototype your application or site
• Make your product findable with search engine optimization
• Plan for development, product rollout, and ongoing quality assurance

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6 ways to work better with your boss

A smooth working relationship with the boss can have a telling impact on your overall job satisfaction and morale.

We've all worked for the do-nothing supervisor who shoots down every attempt at independence from any of his subordinates. In such instances, you must strive to balance pleasing your boss and driving results. Here are some pointers on how to build a better working relationship with your boss.

Anticipate the boss's need
Nothing will appeal more to your supervisors than anticipating their needs. Instead of providing the boss the routine results (as others do), try delivering something above and beyond. Anticipate what will be required of your immediate supervisor. Move to meet the need before he/she knows the information is required. Anticipating the need builds credibility and reputation. This demonstrates a passion for the mission and an ability to develop a vision.

If you can do this consistently then you have opened the doors to greater responsibility. For example, if your boss asks for last week's numbers, deliver them with a chart showing the trends for the past several weeks and maybe even a forecast for the next couple of weeks.

Set up regular meeting time
Regular one-on-one interaction with the boss will help you understand his/her perspective and also discuss concerns. Don't wait for the boss to call on you. It's your responsibility to seek time and strengthen the relationship.

You do not need to be specific about the issues when you do this. Simply state that you have some concerns to discuss, and want to be sure that you will both have time to address them without interruption. Not only does this ensure that you will be given an appropriate amount of time for discussing your concerns, but it is respectful of the other person's time as well.

Communicate regularly
Communicate with your peers and especially those above you in different expertise areas. Get out of your silo. Develop a sense of what is going on in the company. Use your industry knowledge, expertise and experience to anticipate the needs of your senior management and not just your immediate supervisor. Find solutions for senior managers outside of your immediate department. Meet with them monthly for lunch. This isn't political; it is a discussion of the state of the business.

Demonstrate knowledge, expertise and make suggestions based on facts. They may not agree, but you have made it known you care about the overall company mission. The fact that you care about the business will get communicated to your boss as well.

Understand the preferred style of communication
Learn your superior's preferred style of receiving information. One of the best ways is to give them the information on the overall work status, whether it's a quick email, a detailed report, alternatives and evaluations of those alternatives, or merely a bullet point list of facts. It's important to understand whether your boss prefers emails, phone calls or meetings to receive information. This can be vital particularly when you don't clearly understand your task and need clarification. Communicate frequently but in the method that the boss prefers.

Don't waste their time
Lack of preparation is a killer when it comes to building a positive relationship with the boss. Don't waste his/her time; come prepared to meetings and also be flexible to set aside your agenda and update if they need to discuss an issue with you. Become their sounding board. Be prepared with your own ideas for a solution, and suggest them if you are not satisfied with the solutions offered.

Become visible
This goes against the conventional wisdom of letting your work speak for itself. While most employees want to work for a 'star boss', even your boss wants a 'star performer' in their team. Position yourself as a go-to person for him/her -- know that you might get assignments that are tough to execute because they have come to count on you to deliver.

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Home remedies for high blood pressure:

Symptoms of high blood pressure:

Symptom of hypertension may appear as a pain at the back of thehead and neck on waking in the morning, which soon disappears.


Home remedies for high blood pressure:

* Mix juice of onion and pure honey in equal quantity. Taken two spoons of this mixture once a day is an effective remedy for highblood pressure. Take for about a week. Upon noticing improvement, take for few more days as needed.

* Honey soothes the nerves and is also helpful in lowering the highblood pressure.

* Eat empty stomach one Papita (Papaya) everyday for one month. Do not take anything after this for at least two hours.

* Take four leaves of Basil and two leaves of Neem (Margosa) and grind them with four spoons of water. Take this ground mixture empty stomach with a glass of water.

* Always use polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats instead of hydrogenated fats. Ghee and butter prepared from cow's milk can be given. Avoid buffalo milk.

* Fruits like bananas, oranges, guavas and apples are good in high
blood pressure.

* Also try to avoid red meats. But white meats, especially fish are beneficial in lowering 
blood pressure.

* Do exercise and yoga regularly. They will help in reducing body weight, regulating heart beat and thus controlling 
high blood pressure.

* Take dry water melon seeds and make its powder form. This powder can be taken 1-2 tablespoon in a glass of water.

* Carrot and spinach are also helpful in reducing 
high blood pressure. Extract fresh juice from carrot and spinach and drink a glass of it twice a day.

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Countries that are Least Affected by Recession


Australia takes the top spot followed by China with India and Singapore in equal third place. Qatar is the only gulf nation that figures in this "relatively" recession-proof list.

The data is based on the results of a business confidence survey that was done on international business people of 24 nations to identify which countries they believe are surviving the crisis the best.

The countries perceived to be surviving the economic crisis the best, as voted by international businesspeople are:


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Add Thumbnails to Wordpress with Custom Fields

What Are Custom Fields?

If you're reading through this article, there's a possibility you've never heard of Custom Fields (or maybe you just haven't seen a use for them yet).  Essentially, all a Custom Field does is allow you to add extra pieces of data to individual Wordpress posts that otherwise aren't there by default.  In other words, along with things like the Post Title, Entry, and Categories, you could add:

  • Thumbnail
  • Lead Image
  • Price (perhaps each of your posts is a product that you need a price label for)
  • Source Link

Sure – but you COULD also just put those in the post… right?

Of course, but when you do that, you're stuck with your default posting format and styling.  What if you want to have a Thumbnail for your post, but instead of the thumbnail appearing inside of the post entry, you only want that thumbnail to appear on the front page of your blog – and using a completely different style than it would in your entry?

This is where Custom Fields come into play.  They allow you to add as many additional fields as you like, all of which can be used anyway you want to use them.

Adding a Custom Field

The first step to making custom fields work is to actually add one to your Wordpress Blog.  To do this, simply start making a New Post, and scroll down the page until you see "Advanced Options".  Under this heading, you should see something like, Excerpt, Trackback, and Custom Fields.

To add a Custom Field for a Thumbnail, just fill in the Key with "Thumbnail".  For the Value, post the full URL of the thumbnail you would like to use.

Click Add Custom Field, and it will apply to that post.

Creating Thumbnails for your Posts

Now that you have a key called Thumbnail, you'll never have to create that key again.  It's stored so you may select it from the dropdown box for now on.

In each post that you'd like to have a thumbnail, you'll have to go to the Custom Fields area of yourWrite Post page, select "Thumbnail", and fill in a value with the path to the thumbnail you'd like to use.

Now, let's insert this thumbnail into your post listings on the front page.

In your theme files (I am assuming that you have a basic understanding of modifying themes in Wordpress), open up index.php.  Find these lines:

  1. <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>  
  2. ...  
  3. <?php endwhile; ?>  

The code between these lines is the output for each individual entry shown on the front page of your Blog.  So, let's say you limit your blog to 10 posts per page, this is the code the repeats 10 times to display those 10 posts.

Within these lines, we want to add the following code in order to show our newly created thumbnails:

  1. <img src="<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, "Thumbnail", true);?>" />  

This outputs an image, using the Value of the Key, Thumbnail, which we've inserted into our post.  It can be inserted ANYWHERE within the while loop, allowing you to float it to the left or right of the header and entry, display it above an entry, below, whatever you want.

Great, but I want this to show up In the Individual Post Too

That's possible as well, using the same code as shown above.  You just need to make sure you insert the code that displays your thumbnail in the while loop.

Maybe you want to display a different image on your post page, such as a larger or smaller version of your thumbnail. At Tutorial9, we often times have Lead Images at the top of our posts which are much larger than our thumbnails.  This is very easy to achieve as well.

On your Write Post page, add another Key to your Custom Fields called "Lead Image", with a value pointing to the URL of your lead image.

Now, in your single.php theme file, insert the following code inside of the loop:

  1. <img src="<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, "Lead Image", true);?>" />  


Only Show a Thumbnail or Lead Image on Some Posts

Maybe some of your posts don't require thumbnails or lead images.  We don't want to output unnecessary code…  With a few additional lines, we can fix this problem.

First off, we'll want to put this right after the loop starts:

  1. <?php $Thumbnail = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Thumbnail'$single = true); ?>  

This won't output anything in HTML, but will store the value of our Thumbnail field in a variable called$Thumbnail.  If the field was left empty during the post creation process, this variable will also be empty.

Next, we need to modify our output a bit:

  1. <?php if($Thumbnail !== '') { ?>  
  3. <!-- Any special styling you might have for posts with thumbnails... -->  
  5. <img src="<?php echo $Thumbnail;?>" />  
  7. <?php } ?>  

What this does, is checks to see if the Thumbnail variable is empty.  If it isn't empty, the code will output the thumbnail image.  However, if it is, nothing will be shown here.

After you're finished modifying your code, upload, and test to make sure thumbnails are being displayed properly.

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