Joomla : Login/out thru Browser URL

 A work around I use the Joomla Login/Logout via a URL link
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How to edit author of powerpoint 2007

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Business Building Tips for Entrepreneurs

Turning Lemons Into Lemonade



You will never be the perfect entrepreneur. No matter how hard you work to avoid catastrophes... at some point, disasters will happen. At times, you will look bad, and your reputation will be injured. But, that doesn't mean you or your company have to suffer long-term repercussions because of it.

Here are some steps for embracing your own humanity, and turning "bad" situations into incredible, marketing situations.

Step 1- Laugh at yourself and your mistakes. (Getting upset about the situation won't fix things. Look at this as an opportunity instead.)

Step 2- Fix the disaster, tenaciously.

Step 3- Offer the injured customers or prospects even more than they expect. (If done properly, these individuals may become your biggest fans.)

Step 4- Use the situation to fix your current systems. (Making a mistake is alright. Repeating that mistake can be devastating.)

Step 5- Freely share these experiences in marketing messages, blogs, webinars, or as a "reason" to have another sale or promotion.

People are generally more forgiving than they seem. If you are willing to "expose" your weaknesses, your contacts will feel your honesty and sincerity. The harder you try to be the "perfect" small business owner (and hide your errors), the more detached from your contacts you become. And, the more likely they are to mistrust you.

Enjoy your imperfections and learn to use them to your advantage!

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karthik: Blogs


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ASP .NET : textbox password mode: keep the password value to maintain

Textbox mode

On postback of the page the Textbox password mode is removed.
If we need this textbox password mode to display on postback the following code is used


That it..
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9-most-common-ie-bugs-and-how-to-fix-them Read more!

Correct timing to take water, will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.

  Two (02) glass of water - After waking up -  Helps activate internal organs

One (01) glasses of water  - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion

One (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure

  One (01) glass of water - Before sleep  - To avoid stroke or heart attack
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10 Steps to Becoming a Web Developer

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Chicago Wedding Photographer – 10 Tips on How to Evaluate Your Options

Chicago Wedding Photographer – 10 Tips on How to Evaluate Your Options

Author: Groshan Fabiola

When searching for the perfect wedding photographer for your special day, especially if you are getting married in a big city like Chicago, the many choices you have can be overwhelming. How do you find the right one?

The most important thing you can do is set up a face-to-face appointment so that you can personally meet your candidate. When searching for a Chicago wedding photographer, it is likely you will come across many big companies. If you are not clear and specific about your request to meet the actual photographer who will be behind the camera at your wedding, these giants may have you speak with a sales representative or album designer instead. If you are looking for a more personal experience, you should direct your attention to the smaller studios. However, make sure the studio has been in business for at least a few years: you don’t want a new studio to fail and close in the current economy after you have them booked for your wedding, leaving you high and dry on your big day, or even after your wedding.

Once you’ve double-checked that you are meeting with your actual photographer, make sure you ask him or her to show you a portfolio of their work. Evaluating the pictures the photographer has under the belt is the best way to make sure he or she has experience and a style that matches your own. But don’t stop after looking at five or six of the best images, check all the shots from at least three full weddings the photographer has worked. You want your Chicago wedding photographer to show skill at taking beautiful photos throughout your big day from start to finish, not one that just lucked out with a few great shots. A photographer with true talent will be able to capture the life and beauty of even a mundane moment. Look for good photos under varied lighting, a variety of interesting angles, and an eye for detail.

Another good idea is to ask to see albums of your Chicago wedding photographer’s most recent weddings. You don’t want a photographer showing you photos from years ago, with nothing current in his or her portfolio. An experienced photographer’s portfolio should also include shots from all four seasons, so you can look at the photos he or she has taken during the specific month of your wedding. You can bring some photos you like and show the photographers, but it’s really up to you to evaluate his or her style to make sure it matches your vision.

After looking through the candidate photographer’s portfolio, you should have picked up some good ideas on different types of flowers, arrangements, shoot locations, and even hair styles you may want to incorporate into your own wedding.

Many brides today actually hire two photographers: one to focus on the storytelling and interaction between the bride and groom, and the other to focus on the photojournalism that encompasses spontaneous moments, exchanges and little details that will give your album a more personal touch. Emotions happen in split seconds, and two cameras will give you more points of view and the best coverage to really tell the story. However, if your budget only allows for one photographer, he or she should be able to flow between the two roles, efficiently shooting some posed photos and unobtrusively capturing the natural moments. Whatever you decide, make sure the Chicago wedding photographer you choose has back-up equipment and a back-up photographer who could shoot your wedding in case of an emergency.

Make sure the studio you decide to work with can provide you with digital negatives of your photos. Find out if they just shoot and burn the photos, or if they take the time to go through them over a several days and apply special features to enhance the quality of the photos. Instead of leaving the images plain, a good photographer will look for the potential behind the straight shot. Some sample techniques your Chicago wedding photographer should be familiar with include creating a vintage look and applying various filters to stylize your images in the likes of the latest Twilight or 300 movies. Make sure the studio you choose can provide finished albums in the style you want. Some examples include coffee table books, magazine style, or the always popular traditional method books.

Before ending the meeting, ask for referrals. With so many weddings happening in the windy city every year, your Chicago wedding photographer should have no problem giving you a list.

After you’ve met your photographer and spoken with a few past customers, tune into your intuition and consider your feelings. Do you think he or she is the right person for the job? Picking your Chicago wedding photographer is almost like picking your wedding dress. There has to be a good balance between the value of the product and its cost. Imagine you find a gorgeous designer dress on Michigan Avenue for $15K, but reluctantly pass it up because you don’t want to scrimp and save for the first few years of your marriage just to pay it off. Yet none of the budget-priced dresses you’ve seen have seemed special enough for you to wear on the happiest day of your life. Finally, you discover a dress reminiscent of the designer one in a small boutique and catch your breath. Not only will it make you feel beautiful, but your future husband will be able to put up with the cost!

Speaking of your husband-to-be, he was with you when you met the photographer, right? Your Chicago wedding photographer will be with you throughout the entire day, and you want to make sure that both your and your fiancé’s personalities and styles mesh well with the person’s who is documenting the big event.

Remember, on your wedding day you want to stay true to the moments and above all have fun throughout the event. But you are also creating new, irreplaceable memories that will outlast the one day and stay with you for a lifetime. You are going to share your wedding album with your children and look back at it fondly years later, reminiscing about the day you and your husband’s life together officially began. Make sure you find a wedding photographer who understands the value and significance of immortalizing these memories, and approaches his task with heart and passion.

About the Author:

For more resources about wedding photographer Chicago or even about Chicago wedding photographer please review this website

Article Source: - Chicago Wedding Photographer – 10 Tips on How to Evaluate Your Options

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Finding your Joomla Template Positions

In Joomla there is a hidden core function which once activated displays a layer on a Joomla website which shows you exactly the template positions currently used.

To activate this function you just need to add ?tp=1 to the end of your current Joomla address. As an example take a look at the following link: As you can see, you can know see all the positions which are template makes use of. You can use this on any Joomla version, on any Joomla site and on any Joomla page (though you might need to use &tp=1). The following parameters can be used: 

  • ?tp=1 (for horizontal view)
  • ?tp=-1 (for no wrapper niew)
  • ?tp=0 (for normal view - no view of positions)

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Thumbnail creation from FLV using ffmpeg

seek to the middle of the file an output a JPEG
 function GetFLVDuration($file){
  // get contents of a file into a string
   $handle = fopen($file, "r");
   $contents = fread($handle, filesize($file));
   if(strlen($contents) > 3){
    if(substr($contents,0 , 3) == "FLV"){
     $taglen = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($contents, strlen($contents)-3)));
     if(strlen($contents) > $taglen){
      $duration = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($contents, strlen($contents) - $taglen, 3)));
      return $duration;
  return 0;
 // get duration and divide by 2 to get middle
 $duration = number_format((GetFLVDuration('output.flv') / 1000) / 2);
 // check for error
  $duration = 0;
 //save out thumbnail
 $output2 = exec('ffmpeg -y -i output.flv -r 1 -vframes 1 -sameq -f image2 -ss ' . $duration . ' -an output.jpg');
To improve quality, try increasing the frame rate via the -r option:

 $output = exec ("ffmpeg -i source.ext -s qvga -r 24 -ab 128 -y output.flv");


 $output = exec ("ffmpeg -i source.ext -s qvga -r 30 -ab 128 -y output.flv");

Below is a solution to finding the total number of frames in a file, which you could use to determine the middle frame: (Note that the language is not PHP, but you should be able to get the general idea).
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XAMPP Apache port change

1. Find httpd.conf file in the folder path C:\xampp\apache\conf\ 

2. Open httpd.conf file in your text editor.

3.Find this line:
Listen 80

change it to:
Listen 8009

4.Save and restart Apache.

http://locahost:8009 would now be your XAMPP default pages.

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Convert html page to .aspx page

step 1. Convert Html page into .aspx. for example you have index.html, open that with dreamweaver and save as index.aspx.

step 2. open ASP.NET web site. put that file into that folder.

step 3. After putting this, right click folder, you will sub menu that menu choose Add New Item. After that the new dialog box will be opend. then choose class file. if you use C#, change that name as index.aspx.cs and finally press OK.

step 4. In that class file, change the following

public partial class _index : System.Web.UI.age


step 5. Now go to index.aspx, bottom of that page, there will be source, if your press that you will get html

step 6. Write the following coding at top of that source

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWrireUp="true" CodeFile = "~/index.aspx.cs" Inherits="_index" %>

step 7. Finally save that file and close entire web application.

Step 8. Now you can open that web application

Step 9. After openning, press F5, the page will be executed.

The two dots .. instruct the server to move up one directory
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Remove the Label – “This site may harm your computer” : malware


To make users feel safe when they search web, Google continuously working to identify dangerous sites and increase protection for their users. This warning message appears with search results which they identified as sites that may install malicious software on your computer:

Below is the sample SERP displaying the warning message for a website. [I got this screenshot when google affected with this malware
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What are CSS sprites?


CSS sprites are a way to reduce the number of HTTP requests made for image resources referenced by your site. Images are combined into one larger image at defined X and Y coorindates. Having assigned this generated image to relevant page elements the background-position CSS property can then be used to shift the visible area to the required component image.

This technique can be very effective for improving site performance, particularly in situations where many small images, such as menu icons, are used. The Yahoo! home page, for example, employs the technique for exactly this

Further Reading

A List Apart published an article entitled CSS Sprites: Image Slicing's Kiss of Death which explains the concepts behind CSS sprites. If you're new to this technique we'd strongly suggest heading over to A List Apart and taking a look.

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Mobile-frameworks-development-tools-creating-iphone-apps Read more!

Glow: Opensource Javacript Library from BBC

Glow is a BBC's JavaScript library, which aims to get working with the JavaScript and the DOM easier. It succeed by hiding cross-browser issues, abstracting common tasks and providing a series of user interface widgets. Glow is available under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0. 

This allows you to use the library in almost all circumstances, and to change it. The library is extremely well-documented & it already comes with various ready-to-use widgets like: auto suggest, carousel, overlay (light box), slider, timetable & more. 

These widgets are already there in most of the famous Javscript libraries like Jquery, UI etc. and have strong knowledge hub, community support.

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Joomla :How to move Joomla to another directory?

Many web designers prefer to build their websites in test folders and when their development is over to move their Joomla applications to the root folder of their hosting accounts.

For the purpose of this article let us presume that we have a Joomla 1.5 installed in the public_html/test folder in our account and we want to move it to the public_html directory so that it will be directly accessible through

This change consists of the following steps:

1. Move all of the files and folders from your Joomla folder to the new directory. In our case from public_html/test to public_html

2. Reconfigure your application. You should edit your configuration.php file and make the following changes in it:

Change: var $log_path = '/home/user/public_html/test/logs';
To: var $log_path = '/home/user/public_html/logs';

Change: var $tmp_path = '/home/user/public_html/test/tmp';
To: var $tmp_path = '/home/user/public_html/tmp';

Change: var $ftp_root = '/public_html/test';
To: var $ftp_root = '/public_html';

Change: var $live_site = '';
To: var $live_site = '';
3. Remove the content of your cache folder (public_html/cache in our case)

Now when you reload your website it should be working flawlessly from its new location.
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Target IE6 and IE7

color: #999;              /* shows in all browsers */
*color: #999;             /* notice the * before the property - shows in IE7 and below */
_color: #999;         /* notice the _ before the property - shows in IE6 and below */
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Recent css Tricks learned


 1. z-index only applies to elements that are given a "position" value

2. margin: auto" will only work when a width is declared for the element.

3. padding adds to the overall width of the element. and cannot contain negative values.

4.CSS Specificity
CSS styles follow an order of specificity and point values to determine when styles override one another or take precedence.

They are like so:

Elements – 1 points
Classes – 10 points
Identifiers – 100 points
Inline Styling – 1000 points
When in doubt, get more specific with your style declarations. You can also use the !important declaration for debugging purposes if needed

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Browser sniffing or detection : Conditional Css

<!--[if gt IE 6]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/ie7fix.css" media="screen" />

<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/ie6fix.css" media="screen" /> 


<script language="Javascript" >

    var useragent = navigator.userAgent;
    var bName = (useragent.indexOf('Firefox') > -1) ? 'Firefox' :

    if (bName == "Firefox") 
        document.writeln('<style> #nav_bar_t6 {padding-left:33px;
padding-right:33px; } #footer {margin-left:18%}</style>');

    if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf ("Netscape")!=-1)
        document.writeln('<style> #nav_bar_t4 {WIDTH:
14.2%;padding-left:2px;} #footer {margin-left:18%}</style>');
    if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf ("Opera")!=-1)
        document.writeln('<style> #nav_bar_t6 {padding-left:38px;
padding-right:33px;} #footer {margin-left:18%}</style>');

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MySQL table and want to build a XML file with it in order to make a RSS feed.

  <?php   $dom = new DOMDocument() ; include "connection.php"; $queryz = "SELECT * FROM ticker"; $resultz = mysql_query($queryz) or die('Error, query failed'); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultz); $rss = $dom->createElement('rss'); while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $resultz )) {     $item = $dom->createElement("item");     $item->appendChild($dom->createElement("title", $row['item_title']));     $item->appendChild($dom->createElement("pubDate",$row['item_pubDate']));     $item->appendChild($dom->createElement("description",$row['item_description']));     $item->appendChild($dom->createElement("link",$row['item_link']));     $rss->appendChild($item); } $dom->appendChild($rss); $dom->save("myxml.xml");
<?php header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8');   $dom = new DOMDocument() ;  include "connection.php"; $queryz = "SELECT * FROM ticker"; $resultz = mysql_query($queryz) or die('Error, query failed'); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultz); while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $resultz )) { $tit = $dom->createElement("title", $row['item_title']) ; $pub = $dom->createElement("pubDate",$row['item_pubDate']) ; $des = $dom->createElement("description",$row['item_description']) ; $lnk = $dom->createElement("link",$row['item_link']) ;        $dom->appendChild($tit) ;        $dom->appendChild($pub) ;       $dom->appendChild($des) ;       $dom->appendChild($lnk) ;  }  $dom->save("myxml.xml") ;  ?>

RSS Display
<?php include('rss-feed-reader.php');   $feed = ''; $max_items = 5; $rss = new mod_rss(); $rss->parser($feed, $max_items, true);  ?>
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Seven tips to identify a LIAR

1. Consider the person's recall:
 Liars never forget what they have to say but they may stumble when telling a tale by making contradicting statements. They're also eager to change the subject. 

2. Observe the person's overall body language:
Liars can look ill at ease,
fiddling with their hair,
stroking their throat,
or rubbing their eyes.

With their body often turned away from you, you may notice hand or leg fidgeting. Liars also have trouble swallowing and may shake their heads after a point has been made. When the subject finally gets changed, they appear happier and more comfortable, maybe laughing nervously. 

3. Take notice of any defensiveness:
Liars will often take offence to any indication that they're under suspicion. They're likely to throw any accusations you throw at them back at you. They will also talk too much, feeling the need to over-explain themselves. 

4. Home in on facial expressions:
Liars fail to control their micro-expressions. While fibbing, you may notice nervous twitching. Their hand may be covering or touching their face. People also tend to touch the mouth when feeling guilty or anxious. They're particularly good with fake smiles. 

5. Don't overlook the Pinocchio reaction: When a human tells a lie, extra blood gets pumped through the body and the nose swells by a fraction of millimeter. Liars may subsequently touch the tip of their nose unconsciously. 

6. Concentrate on the eyes:
 A liar has a troubled brow and downcast or darting eyes. They have trouble directly engaging your gaze. They also give you eye-accessing clues. If the person is telling you the truth, he'll look up and to the left since that's the side of the brain we use for recalling information. If she's lying, she'll look up and to the right, which is the creative side of the brain, because she's mentally constructing something that hasn't happened

7. Note the person's voice:
The higher the stakes are, the more the liar has a fear of getting caught. With this, the liar has a harder time controlling his body language or her voice. The pitch or rate of the speech may change, with the individual giving a lot of "umms" and "ahhs." Often, a liar will appear stilted and monotone. Answers may seem rehearsed.

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Javascript variable into php variable

You can do it by setting url variables or session variables.  
one way to do this is to pass the url like this

<!-- //
var name="Dave";
var number=100;
document.write('<a href="another_page.php?name='+name+'&number='+number+'">another page</a>');
// -->

then get the variables using php

<?php $var1 = $_GET['name']; $var2= $_GET['number']; ?>

you can do this via GET, POST, SESSION

You could do this all on the same page if you wanted to by calling a javascript function that sets these variables and then php gets them.
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Gaia Flash Framework: Speed up Development for All Flash Sites


For all you flash developers out there this is a real treat. Gaia is a flash framework that can speed up development drastically for your all flash sites.
I can't wait to try and use this in on a project. It gives you a simple way to handle the navigation, transitions between pages, preloading and deeplinking. 
Talk about a time saver. That's half a website right there. Oh…did I mention that it also handles SEO. It uses an XHTML file that serves as both the 
data source and the embed page for each page in your site.
 The way the site is structured seems logical, and doesn't seem to get in your way of building a great web site.

Here is a video that walks you through the framework : Gaia Screencast
Here is their website: Gaia Website
Here is the download page: Gaia Download

For those of you that have used this framework before, we would love to here your input on it.

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What is AJAX

AJAX offers users a seamless way to work with your interface, no waiting for whole pages to load.  
jQuery has a set of tools to make it super simple to implement. 
We will walk you through how to use jQuery to connect to PHP so you can step up your user interface.

What is AJAX
plainly means that instead of waiting for the whole page to load, you can load only what you need to. 
 So if you only need to update one small text part of your site, 
you don't have to worry about loading everything else on that page
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Overcoming Flash Validation Issues

Flash embedding that is compliant with the web standards has always been an issue as the code runs very long and it is very difficult to place Flash reliably.

So, how to overcome validation issues of Flash object on a web page?

Use jQuery's document ready function (JavaScript which is triggered when the DOM is loaded).

Have a look at the below code:

jQuery Part


if ($.browser.msie) {

$('#flashdiv').html('<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000″ width="468″ height="60″><param name="movie" value="yourflashfile.swf" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/></object>');

} else {

$('#flashdiv').html('>object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="yourflashfile.swf" wmode="transparent" width="468″ height="60″></object>');

Note: Please use the above code in a separate .js file and just call it in the webpage.


<div id="flashdiv"></div>

The 'if' statement detects the browser used and uses the best method of flash embedding to compliment that particular browser. The $('#flashdiv').html(); takes the element with the ID of flashdiv and injects into it the content. This helps to place the code we want to load into the div. This technique is extremely SEO friendly as there will be only empty div when scanned by the search engine spiders and also there will not be any validation issues.
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Home Medicine for SWINE FLU

Please share it as much as possible and as fast as possible ....... 

Obviously Prevention is better than cure. 

National Institute of Virology Scientific prevention of 
swine Flu using house hold Products

1. Use Nilgiri oil drops on handkerchief.- Inhale Clove oil ( Lavanga) for 1 sec ,

2. Chew 1 Lavanga a day

3. Eat raw Garlic , Onion, Ginger 1-5 gms

4. Drink hot milk with 2gm of Turmeric

5. Consume plenty of Vit C Fruits

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 After placing the css in your stylesheet, insert this just below the body tag of your page: "". Whenever the images are referenced throughout your pages they will now be loaded from cache

  1. #preloadedImages {
  2. width: 0px;
  3. height: 0px;
  4. display: inline;
  5. background-image: url(path/to/image1.png);
  6. background-image: url(path/to/image2.png);
  7. background-image: url(path/to/image3.png);
  8. background-image: url(path/to/image4.png);
  9. background-image: url();
  10. }
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Handy Tools for Websites Analysis

Do you want to know what is your reputation across the web? If YES, than this post is dedicated to you. In this article you can find 11 tools for analyzing your website's reputation – stats, feeds, rankings etc.

1. Quantcast

Quantcast is one of the 3 major websites dedicated to website traffic and audience. Quantcast provides publishers, marketers and agencies unmatched capabilities to measure, organize, discover and transact based on directly-measured traffic and inferred audience data.

2. Compete

Compete is a site similar to Quantcast. Compete's ranking is based on the stats of +2.000.000 US citizens – this means that Compete is not so accurate outside of US. Anyway – check out Compete for your ranking and compare your results with your competitors'.

3. Alexa

Alexa is one of the first ranking websites with advanced data regarding target population, country rank and others. The problem with these statistics is that they are provided based on Alexa Toolbar. Again, this fact makes Alexa's data inaccurate.

4. BuiltWith

This tools is quite complex – it shows you various information about your site or any particular site (technologies used, seo) and it helps you optimize your site. Very useful when you don't know much about SEO. It has a paid version as well that has a lot more tips and info.

5. Dataopedia

dataopedia is a web service that provides comprehensive information (50 different sources) about websites available on the Internet.

6. BizShark

BizShark is a direct competitor to Dataopedia. Both sites share the same concept and have similar information. You will have to decide which one suits you.

7. Quarkbase

Quarkbase is another site that gathers its info from multiple sources, but here is their definition: Quarkbase is the best way to find website information contributed by website owner, lover and the Internet Community.

8. Website Grader

From my point, this is one of the most useful analysis site. It has a great composition of information: social, seo, general info. It even gives you hints and a grade – to compare and further optimize your site.


This tools is a lightweight tool that gives you the most common ranks available on the web: Google Page Rank, Alexa Rank, Compete Rank, Technorati Rank etc.

10. Feedcompare

This website is useful when you want to compare your number of feed subscribers with the number of subscribers. For this you must have a FeedBurner account.

11. XinuReturns

XinuReturns is a tool that shows you pretty much everything – Google Page Rank, Yahoo Links, FeedBurner subscribers,Technorati, DMOZ etc. It is perfect for a fast small popularity analysis.

There are other sites as well with interesting results, but I think these ones are the most important. Cheers!

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